Bookshare on the Rachael Ray Show
Set your TiVOs, DVRs, or tune in Wednesday, October 6th to the Rachael Ray Daytime Talk Show. Bookshare is featured on a segment with Chrissy Steltz.
Chrissy is an amazing woman. When she was just 16, a gun accident shattered her eyes, cheeks, nose and part of her jaw. She lost a major portion of her face in the accident and was left blind as a result. Since the accident she has worn a sleep shade whenever she was in public.
After a year-long process, months of surgeries, and a week of face molding, the blind 27-year old, received the first-of-its-kind prosthetic face. Her “face” is a magnetized silicone mask that attaches to the front center of her skull.
The Rachael Ray show heard about Chrissy, and learned that she loves to cook Rachael Ray recipes; in fact, they are her favorite recipes! Bookshare and HumanWare have teamed to give Chrissy a wonderful gift, a VoiceNote loaded with Rachael’s cookbooks, including her not-yet-released book, Look + Cook. The gift was a surprise to Chrissy when the show was recorded; watch and see her reaction when she receives the gift!
The segment was filmed mid-September and everyone here has had a hard time keeping it a secret until now! Check your local listings for when the show airs in your region and then let us know what you thought by posting your comments below!
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