Jessica Pinto’s 15-Year Story.
15 years ago, Jessica never would have thought that she would still be using Bookshare today. She hated reading because it was hard and tiresome.
She could not physically hold a book or turn its pages due to cerebral palsy. In addition, she could not see the book’s text because of a cortical visual impairment in both of her eyes.
In 2008, her middle school teacher introduced Jessica to Bookshare. She describes it as the “thing that changed my world forever.” Bookshare’s accessible ebooks made the battle of reading easier. She no longer had to physically manage print books because she could access them on her computer (today she uses a smartphone). And she could find any book for school or leisure where she could enlarge the font size as large as she wanted.
Fast forward 15 years through high school and college classes, Jessica continues to read as an avid lifelong learner.
See Jessica’s story.
Want to learn more about Jessica’s journey? Read Catching Up with Jessica Pinto.
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