April is Stress Awareness month. For nearly 20 years, “The Health Resource Network” has set aside this month to educate people about ways to prevent and manage stress. Many agree that reading can be a form of stress relief because it helps individuals relax and let themselves be transported to a different time or place. Since stress affects so many people from all walks of life, we at Bookshare wanted to help enrich the lives of our members by recommending some helpful books. Whether you’re worrying over taxes, struggling with spring cleaning, balancing YOUR budget, or cramming for finals, we hope one of these books will help you to unwind and de-stress!
Books for Kids and Teens
Don’t Stress! How to Keep Life’s Problems Little – Nancy Krulik. Children will discover simple ways to manage the demands of school, friends, and family in this collection of fifty-six thoughtful mini essays.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Teens: Simple Ways to Keep Your Cool in Stressful Times -Richard Carlson. This is a self-help book for teens that offers tips on how to manage the small problems in life so they don’t turn into larger ones.
I Love Yoga – Ellen Schwartz. This book presents the history of yoga, different styles, yoga benefits, concerns, cautions, misconceptions, equipment, and basic postures. It also includes information for those with physical disabilities.
Stress Relief: The Ultimate Teen Guide – Mark Powell and Kelly Adams. Insightful and informative, Stress Relief examines the causes of stress most likely to affect teens.
Books for Adults
99 Ways to Fight Worry and Stress – Elsa Kok Colopy. The 99 ways to cope and rise above worry and stress are grouped into categories that include “Guard Your Rest”, “Dream a Little”, “Pursue Healthy Diversions”, and “Dive Into Truth”.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Healthy Living: Stress – Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, and Leslie Godwin. This book on stress in the successful Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series offers inspirational stories followed by positive, practical advice.
Life Without Stress – Arthur Sokoloff. This book is a practical guide to the wisdom of the East that shows how we can apply it to our pragmatic Western view of the world to achieve inner peace.
Meditation Made Easy – Camille Maurine and Lorin Roche. This includes tips on how to make meditation simple and pleasurable. It also provides info on creating mini meditations, overcoming boredom and racing thoughts, customizing personal practices, and more.
So Stressed – Stephanie Mcclellan and Beth Hamilton. Describes what you can do, starting today, to restore your body’s health and prevent yourself from getting sick.
I agree that reading is a wonderful stress reliever and you have provided a great list of books that teach us how to reduce stress. I am most interested in the book, “Life without Stress” as it focuses on how to achieve inner peace. I believe this is the only true way to remove all stress from our minds and bodies. Thanks for creating this list and thanks for listing this book.
Very interesting site and articles. Really thankful for sharing.Will surely recommend this site to some friends! Regards,