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Read2Go fans, please vote for your favorite app!

The AppleVis website, a community-driven website with support and information for blind and visually impaired users of Apple Devices, is launching an iOS App Hall of Fame. The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognize the hard work developers do to create apps that are fully accessible to VoiceOver users.

They have selected 18 apps as potential candidates for this first induction into the Hall of Fame, and based on user vote, 8 will be chosen. They nominated Read2Go in recognition of how highly the app is regarded by VoiceOver users.

You can read the list of nominated apps and go to the page where you can vote. You will be asked to register or log in. Voting closes at the end of December. Every month, more apps will be nominated and 2 will be inducted.

If you have time to vote for Read2Go, it would be an honor to win! Thank you for being loyal fans!

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