Congratulations to all who participated in the Bookshare Express Summer Reading Event. This year, we had over 245 Bookshare members participate all over the world, submitting over 775 entries. Way to go!
In this year’s reading event, participants took virtual trips by reading books about different places, planets and imaginary places. They traveled from Alaska in Akiak: A Tale of the Iditarod to Bloors Academy and an underground passage in Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors.
After completing their journeys, participants shared what they learned!
This year, we expanded the contest to include two divisions: one for international and adult (non-student) Bookshare members and the other for U.S. student Bookshare members.
In the international/adult (non-student) division, there were 12 winners of a 3-month membership extension. Congratulations to the following winners!
- Katherine Schneider
- Adan Montano
- Dan Burke
- Gail Selfridge
- Jane Lansaw
- Jennifer Bose
- LeAnn Poor
- Lelia Struve
- Randie Gustafson
- Sandra Gryskiewicz
- Mary Sten-Clanton
- Travis Butler
In the U.S. student division, here are the winners!
The Grand Prize winner of a tablet of his or her choice for the top entry goes to Aubrie Lucas, a Bookshare member in the 9-12th grade division who traveled to Green Town (Waukegan), Illinois in Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. Here is an excerpt of Aubrie’s winning submission:
I have never tasted dandelion wine, but if it is anything like this book, then it is wonderful indeed. Ray Bradbury can’t be dead! That book lives, therefore he does. Much of what this book means can be seen here: “Bill, when you’re my age, you’ll find out it’s the little savors and little things that count more than big ones. A walk on a spring morning is better than an eighty-mile ride in a hopped-up car, you know why? Because it’s full of flavors, full of a lot of things growing. …” Slow down, take in the world around you. Don’t move so swiftly that you forget to live.
This book is of beginnings and endings, of happiness and sadness, of life and death. I cannot begin to recommend it as highly as it deserves.”
2nd Place winners of an MP3 Player for the top reader in each grade level:
- Kindergarten to 5th grade: Correy Crawford
- 6th to 8th grade: Jacob Kruger
- 9th to 12th grade: Maria Leiza Lynn Bontogon
- College, graduate, adult students: Caitlin Lynch
3rd Place winners of a free Read2Go app for the second top reader in each grade level:
- Kindergarten to 5th grade: Natalie Chulick
- 6th to 8th grade: Caitlyn Laster
- 9th to 12th grade: Matthew Kruger
- College, graduate, adult students: Amanda Furr
Congratulations to all our participants on making the Bookshare Express another successful summer reading event.
Thank you!
Congratulations to all of the winners! I am anxious to travel to some of the places you’ve all been. I’m turning on my book now! Happy reading to you all.