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Category: Free reading resource for parents of special needs children

What We’re Reading {November 11 2010} Special Veteran’s Day Edition

Today we celebrate Veterans Day  (also known as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day), a time to look back at the sacrifices members of the military and their families have made. In honor of the holiday, this special post provides books in the Bookshare collection that focus on the military, their families, and remembrance. I’ve also included books authored by veterans that share deeply personal experiences of war. We hope you enjoy the recommendations. Thank you to all who have served and are serving our country. Bookshare Military Special Collection: Books by or for veterans: Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and…

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Sunrise or Tsunami – The Rise of Digital Books in the Classroom

As surely as the sun rises every day, digital books are steadily, daily finding their way into classrooms. Their arrival will not flood our classrooms like a tsunami; rather they will appear because of the foresight and talent of leading educators who recognize the many benefits of digital books and know how to incorporate them into teaching strategies. If, when, why, and how digital books will appear in classrooms are all good questions for discussion; however, a less common, extremely important question is the format of these digital books. Ideally, digital books will be “accessible” books from the beginning, with…


Wait for Superman? Or Borrow His Cape!

I had the opportunity to watch “Waiting for Superman” last week, and as promised, the movie exposes many flaws in our educational system and discouraging statistics about student performance. The U.S. currently ranks 23rd out of 29 of the top world economies in graduation rates. The movie portrays failures in administration, teaching, and attitudes. It portrays “drop out factories,” or high schools with inordinately high percentages of high school drop outs. It also exposes motivation and eagerness on the part of some students, the qualities that as a nation we need to recognize and encourage. The movie follows five students…

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What We’re Reading {October 15 2010}

This week’s What We’re Reading brings you five of October’s best sellers. Something for every age group. The Heroes of Olympus, Book One: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan — Heroes of Olympus will be a five-book series. It is set in Percy Jackson’s world, and Percy has an important role to play in the series. At different points in the series, you will get to catch up with most of the characters from the first series, but The Lost Hero also features a new cast of main characters, so Riordan has been careful not to call it a “Percy Jackson series.”…

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What We’re Reading {October 11 2010}

Apologies for not getting the What We’re Reading post up last Friday! Instead, we’re bringing you this special Monday edition of What We’re Reading. In light of the recent bullying tragedies that have made headlines across the U.S., I thought it appropriate to share some wonderfully written books that address the topic of bullying. Each of these books is recommended for grades 9 – 12. Names Will Never Hurt Me by Jaime Adoff — Deftly interweaving the narratives of four unique, vivid teenagers, this powerful novel explores the enormous repercussions of daily school teasing, racism, and ostracism. Each of the teens reveal their deepest feelings and…

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Free MP3 Players Help Students with Print Disabilities

Corporate philanthropy greatly aids students with print disabilities in need of technology to read books and study! The post about Collaborative Philanthropy in August described a summer initiative to find donations of “low tech,” such as MP3s and thumb drives, to give tech-needy students alternate ways to read books. Well, we now extend our sincere thanks to SanDisk Corporation for hearing the need and responding. SanDisk generously donated 100 MP3 players and 250 thumb drives to Bookshare for students without access to technology outside of school to use to read. How would you use these low-tech devices? At school, teachers…

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Nichole Maples Wants People with Disabilities to Share her Joy of Reading

In rural Tupelo Mississippi, there’s a teenager who cannot speak or hold a book, yet is so passionate about encouraging people to read, she visits her local library to make sure reading happens for people like her. Nichole Maples, now 17, has severe Athetoid Cerebral Palsy, a disability caused by damage to the cerebellum or basal ganglia, an area of the brain that coordinates body movements. Nichole has little control of anything except her eyes, but she loves to read with the help of her computer and can listen to stories read aloud. For this bright young gal, reading has…


What We’re Reading {October 1 2010}

In celebration of Banned Books Week, I have focused this week’s “What We’re Reading” on, no surprise, banned books. The first known record of banned books is The Index of Prohibited Books, developed by Pope Paul IV, intended to protect Catholics from controversial ideas. Since that time many lists have been developed around the world as various groups have tried to censor authors and prevent the publication of works the groups objected to. The good news, for us, is that many authors have found ways around censorship by publishing their books in other countries. One of the most well-known authors, who published…

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Powerful Movie Portrays Life of an 8-Year Old Dyslexic

This October, National Learning Disabilities Month, set aside time to learn about dyslexia from a powerful, poignant movie about a misunderstood 8-year old. “Like Stars on Earth” (Taare Zameen Par) from Bollywood, directed by Aamir Khan, gives all of us a chance to walk in the shoes and see the world from the perspective of a dyslexic. The movie has won many awards and nominations. Ishaan Awasthi, played by Darsheel Safari, is failing miserably at school and getting into trouble. His papers are a mess and his grades horrible. He’s a very bright boy, but his teachers don’t know it.…

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Summer Roadtrip Reading Contest – Announcing the Winners!

Drum roll please.  This year’s winners for the 2010 Bookshare Summer Road Trip contest are… each of the 340 students who registered and participated!  The contest was a “virtual road trip” where students downloaded and read books about our U.S. 50 states.  After reading, they submitted a short review, including one “cool” thing they learned about that state.  Collectively, these students downloaded, read, and submitted reviews for over 840 books… way to go!  Everyone who participated should feel a great sense of accomplishment.   Bookshare also wants to acknowledge our most active Road Trippers.  These are the top downloaders and readers for…

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