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Tag: special education

Bookshare’s Collection Development Manager Started a Love Affair with Books at a Tender Age

Guest post by Carol James, Bookshare Collection Development Manager When I was a little girl, I would toddle into my parents’ bedroom many mornings. I’d pull books out of their case and pretend to read them. When I was done (so I’m told), I would carefully consider where they should go as I put them back on the shelf. I can’t remember what I was thinking – but even then, I knew each book had a “right place”! Looking back on a lifetime working in libraries, I guess I’m still doing the same thing – but on a different scale, with…

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Beyond the Dys in Dyslexia

In recognition of Dyslexia Awareness month in October, we are reposting a blog by McKenzie Erickson, Marketing Coordinator at Benetech, which originally appeared in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Blog (U.S. Department of Special Education) on October 5. Dyslexia. It’s a word I’ve heard since the third grade. It was the explanation for why I couldn’t read, why I had to cheat on my weekly spelling tests, and why I felt different. I’ve since come to realize there is more to dyslexia than its disadvantages. When I was in school, I put a significant amount of energy…

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Bookshare’s Criteria for Adding Post-Secondary Education Ebooks to Its Collection

Bookshare expands its accessible ebook collection for higher education through partnerships with publishers and university presses During a recent discussion on AERNet (Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired), questions arose about Bookshare’s policies on converting books for higher education. Here is the explanation from Jim Fruchterman, CEO of Benetech, that we felt was important to share with the larger Bookshare community. Bookshare is a library focused on books that can be shared. Our dream is that once a book has been digitized, nobody else will have to do scanning work again. We need to do that within…

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Special Education Teacher Champions Year-Round Reading Programs

Melissa Hawkins, a middle school special education teacher in Baltimore, believes that reading year-round is a critical component of student’s academic success. As the chairperson of the Reading Committee at her school, she is the driving force behind several innovative reading initiatives that use a multi-pronged approach to engage and motivate students all year long. For example, STRIVE for 25! rewards students when they read 7, 14, 21, and 25 books by the end of the school year with a variety of prizes including snack coupons, certificates of completion, and a chance to win a Kindle. However, this is just…

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Parent Advocates for Learning Portability for Children with Chronic Illness

Each year, thousands of students miss school due to a chronic illness and fall behind on their homework. This is the case for Hailey Bopp, a Texas youngster who is blind and has cognitive delays. “When Hailey misses school, she gets sad and depressed,” says Ann Bopp, her mom, “because she doesn’t get to read the books her teacher and classmates are reading.” To mitigate her daughter’s frustration, Ann signed Hailey up for a Bookshare individual membership and advocates for the online library to other families in similar situations. “Using Bookshare and an iPad, Hailey keeps up with reading assignments…

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Calling All K-12 Bookshare Members: Enter the White House Student Film Festival by January 29 2014!

Are you or do you know a Bookshare student member in grades K-12 who enjoys filmmaking? Do you use Bookshare to help with your studies at school?  If yes, President Obama has a super cool contest for you! Enter the White House Student Film Festival! The White House is holding its first ever film festival to showcase the power of technology in schools and students who win may get to  visit the White House! We know that you use Bookshare to learn all sorts of amazing things.  Do you use Bookshare Web Reader to read and listen to your textbooks and…

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A Mother’s Appeal … Look for Hidden Learning Disabilities Early in School

When a child looks normal, but does not learn well, we sometimes make the assumption that the child is lazy or not focused enough on their studies in school. Parents deal with this common and almost always frustrating scenario every day when they have a child with learning disabilities (LD) or special needs. Kathryn Roset, an Arkansas attorney and parent of five, faced this frustration for years since her son Dane, now eleven, was a toddler. “When we see a child with physical issues, we understand their learning challenges instantly and hopefully prescribe strategies and technology accommodations that will help,”…


Reading Skill Improvements, More Reading Choices and Engaged Students!

Special thanks to Jeanette Donelson, special education teacher for sending us this great story. WE ARE INSPIRED! **************** I love Bookshare! The students I serve are in 9th through 12th grade with special needs across the spectrum.  I have students with dyslexia, Cerebral Palsy, and severe reading disabilities.  Most of them have difficulty reading books and comprehending what they read. With Bookshare, they can now download a textbook, print it out in larger print (which allows them to write notes and highlight), and use the text-to-speech software which is free with Bookshare, to hear the content read aloud. Accessible Curriculum Last…


Enter Bookshare’s Summer Reading RoadTrip Contest – Win FUN Prizes!

FASTEN Your Seatbelt and ENTER Bookshare’s Summer Road Trip Reading Contest Discover new places! Explore! What’s more fun than a summer road trip? Bookshare’s Summer Road Trip Contest! Students in grades K-12 with individual Bookshare memberships can win awesome prizes like iPod Nanos, Victor Reader Streams, digital book bags and more! Participants will go on a “virtual road trip” across the 50 U.S. states by downloading and reading Bookshare books. Many of the titles come from the National Education Association – 50 State Booklist. Participants who want to go on a journey will share their thoughts about the books in…

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