Recently, Education Week special education editor Nirvi Shah recently wrote a thorough article about Bookshare, its accessible books, services for students with print disabilities, and the recent LIT award from OSEP to build tools that will make it easier to read digital accessible books and increase student use of books with training for educators and more information for families.
Nirvi interviewed educators about their accessible book programs in Washington, DC, Maryland and New York and talked about students’ familiarity and ease of use with technology readers and digital materials. In the piece, she likened “synthesized computer voices” to popular TV shows. She even posted a YouTube audio of her interview: Listen to it now to hear:
- teachers talking about Bookshare
- a computer-generated Acapela voice called “Ryan”
- a student’s comments about computer-generated voices
- Nirvi’s research for the article showing student acceptance of digital media
For those of you wondering what Bookshare’s computer-generated voices sound like, we encourage you to listen to the audio.
Thank you, Nirvi, and the Education Week editorial team for your article. You have helped us a great deal in sharing the benefits of this educational resource to support students with print disabilities.
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