Take these steps to help students minimize the summer COVID slide
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everything about school from instruction delivery to the daily schedule. Most students have been doing some form of remote learning this spring with varying degrees of success. As the school year officially winds down, and the transition to summer begins, teachers and students face more uncertainty.
The advent of summer brings the dreaded summer slide – learning loss resulting from the absence of structured classroom instruction—but teachers and students are now facing an additional challenge: “COVID slide.” The big fear is that students who already experience summer learning loss will be even more impacted by COVID-related school closures. For students with disabilities who are already experiencing academic setbacks from the difficulty of adapting to remote instruction, the summer months bring additional challenges.
As the end of the school year approaches, teachers and students are preparing for the next phase. Whether your students are moving to a new grade, a new school, or life after school, you can make sure they have the tools they need to be readers for life with these useful resources.
Follow These Steps for a Smooth Transition from School to Summer
Keep your students engaged over the summer with Bookshare’s Summer Reading Program. Make sure students are set up to read on their own so they can access delightful, age-appropriate titles over the summer. Follow these steps:
- Assign summer reading books – make sure your students have books to read over the summer. You can assign individual books or create a summer Reading List. If you are looking for enticing book ideas, learn about the Bookshare Summer Read-a-thon below.
- Make sure students have their login – make sure each student on your roster has a login and send it home via email so that the student or parent can access books or Reading Lists you have created.
- Give students full access – set up students with a full Individual Membership so they can not only read assigned books, but also find books they want to read on their own.
Announcing #AllInTogether Summer Read-a-thon
Do you want to keep your students reading and learning this summer? Are you looking for books that will excite and motivate young readers? Join readers from across the country in reading 200,000 ebooks in the #AllInTogether Summer Read-a-thon. It’s a national book reading event to share in the common bond of reading with exciting and interesting books lists for every age, interest, and level of reader.
The lists and the summer reading challenge will be unveiled next week, so stay tuned!
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