Spread hope and learning this holiday season. With your Giving Tuesday gift to Bookshare, you can help more students discover the joy of reading and close the literacy gap.
Bookshare is a Game Changer for Laura
As a young girl, Laura enjoyed listening to her mom read, but did not enjoy reading by herself. As time went on, Laura almost hated to read. “I always felt on the offensive trying to help my daughter cope with a lot of frustration,” says her mom, Judie. “A Bookshare membership changed this feeling of hopelessness.”
Says Laura, “For the first time, I’m doing better in school. Bookshare has helped me to read on my own and enjoy reading. Using my iPad, I can watch word highlighting on the screen and listen to text-to-speech audio.” This multimodal process of seeing and hearing text can help readers with dyslexia maintain a steady pace and comprehend more of a story.
Laura has had tremendous success with Bookshare. Says Judie, “The resource has made a huge difference. Her comprehension and fluency skills have steadily increased, and her teachers say that she is on her way to reading at grade level. My daughter’s transformation is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Thank you, Bookshare, for all of your hard work and dedication to helping children with dyslexia and other print disabilities benefit from your library.”
Invest in Literacy and Strengthen Children and Families
Do you know a child like Laura who struggles to read? As a member of the Bookshare community, you know the life-changing impact that access to services like Bookshare can have for a child. Today, we ask you to help us ensure that every child, regardless of zip code, gets access to the reading instruction and supports that they need to learn and thrive.
Just $40 can provide a child with an early screening for reading challenges, setting them on the path to literacy by enabling them to access critical reading intervention and supports. And, your gift will be doubled up to $45,000, thanks to generous matches provided by the Benetech community.
If you are not able to donate, help spread the word! Share our fundraising page with friends, family, and others. However you choose to give, we are grateful for your support.
Thank you for this story. It’s so heartening to see that youth can feel a whole new attitude toward reading thanks to Bookshare. What freedom to finally delve into the rich world of books all on their own.